Terms Starting With M – Fintechzoom.com Dictionary

M1A measure of the money supply that includes the most liquid forms of money
M2A broader measure of the money supply that includes M1 plus some less liquid assets
M3The broadest measure of the money supply
M-PesaA mobile money transfer service
Maastricht TreatyA treaty that established the European Union
Macaulay DurationA measure of a bond’s interest rate risk
Macro EnvironmentThe broad economic, social, and political factors that affect a business
Macro ManagerA type of hedge fund manager
Macroeconomic FactorA broad economic factor that affects financial markets
MacroeconomicsThe study of the economy as a whole
Magic Formula InvestingAn investment strategy developed by Joel Greenblatt
Magna Cum LaudeA Latin term meaning “with great honor”
MICRMagnetic Ink Character Recognition
Main StreetOrdinary people and small businesses
Maintenance ExpensesCosts associated with maintaining an asset
Maintenance MarginThe minimum amount of equity a customer must maintain in a margin account
Majority ShareholderA shareholder who owns more than 50% of a company’s shares
Make-or-Buy DecisionA decision about whether to produce a good or service in-house or to outsource it
Make to Order (MTO)A production strategy where goods are produced only after an order is received
Make to Stock (MTS)A production strategy where goods are produced in anticipation of demand
Make Whole Call ProvisionA provision that requires a bond issuer to pay the present value of all remaining coupon payments when a bond is called
Malpractice InsuranceInsurance that covers professionals against malpractice claims
Managed AccountA professionally managed investment account
Managed FuturesA type of alternative investment
Management Buyout (MBO)The purchase of a company by its management
Management by Objectives (MBO)A management technique that involves setting specific goals
Management Discussion and Analysis (MD&A)A section of a company’s financial report
Management FeeA fee paid to a fund manager
Managerial AccountingThe process of providing information to internal users
Manufacturer’s Suggested Retail Price (MSRP)The price suggested by the manufacturer
ManufacturingThe process of producing goods
Manufacturing Resource PlanningA system for planning and managing manufacturing operations
MaquiladoraA manufacturing plant in Mexico that operates under special trade agreements
MarginThe amount of equity a customer must deposit in a brokerage account
Margin AccountA brokerage account that allows customers to borrow money
Margin CallA demand for more equity in a margin account
Margin DebtDebt incurred to purchase securities on margin
Margin Loan AvailabilityThe amount of money that brokers are willing to lend to customers
Margin of SafetyThe difference between actual or budgeted sales and the break-even point
Marginal AnalysisThe study of the effects of small changes
Marginal BenefitsThe additional benefits from consuming one more unit
Marginal Cost of ProductionThe additional cost of producing one more unit
Marginal ProfitThe additional profit from selling one more unit
Marginal Propensity to Consume (MPC)The proportion of an additional dollar of income that is consumed
Marginal Propensity to Import (MPM)The proportion of an additional dollar of income that is spent on imports
Marginal Propensity to Save (MPS)The proportion of an additional dollar of income that is saved
Marginal Rate of Substitution (MRS)The rate at which a consumer is willing to trade one good for another
Marginal Rate of Technical SubstitutionThe rate at which a firm is willing to trade one input for another
Marginal Rate of TransformationThe rate at which one good can be produced by forgoing the production of another good
Marginal Revenue (MR)The additional revenue from selling one more unit
Marginal Revenue Product (MRP)The additional revenue generated by employing one more unit of labor
Marginal Social Cost (MSC)The total cost to society of producing one more unit
Marginal Tax RateThe tax rate on the last dollar of income
Marginal UtilityThe additional satisfaction from consuming one more unit
Marital PropertyProperty acquired during a marriage
Maritime LawThe body of law that governs maritime activities
Mark ZuckerbergCo-founder of Facebook
MarketA place where goods or services are bought and sold
Market ApproachA method of valuing a business
Market BasketA selection of goods and services used to track inflation
Market BreadthThe number of stocks participating in a market move
Market CannibalizationThe reduction in sales of one product due to the introduction of a new product
Market CapitalizationThe total value of a company’s outstanding shares
Market Capitalization-to-GDP RatioA ratio used to assess whether a stock market is overvalued or undervalued
Market CyclesThe periodic ups and downs of the market
Market DepthThe ability of a market to absorb large trades without significant price changes
Market DynamicsThe forces that influence market prices
Market EconomyAn economy where prices are determined by supply and demand
Market EfficiencyThe degree to which market prices reflect all available information
Market ExposureThe extent to which a portfolio is exposed to market risk
Market FailureA situation where the market fails to allocate resources efficiently
Market IndexA statistical measure of market performance
Market IndicatorsStatistics used to assess market conditions
Market LeaderA company with the largest market share
Market MakerA trader who provides liquidity to the market
Market ManipulationThe act of artificially influencing market prices
Market NeutralA strategy that aims to profit from market inefficiencies while minimizing market risk
Market-On-Close Order (MOC)An order to buy or sell a security at the end of the trading day
Market OrderAn order to buy or sell a security at the best available price
Market OrientationA business philosophy that focuses on meeting customer needs
Market PenetrationThe extent to which a product or service is being used by its target market
Market PortfolioA portfolio that includes all assets in the market
Market PowerThe ability of a company to influence market prices
Market PriceThe current price of a good or service
Market ResearchThe process of gathering information about a market
Market RiskThe risk of losses due to market-wide factors
Market Risk PremiumThe additional return investors expect for taking on market risk
Market SaturationThe point at which further sales of a product or service are unlikely
Market SegmentA group of customers with similar characteristics
Market SegmentationThe process of dividing a market into segments
Market Segmentation TheoryA theory about how interest rates are determined
Market SentimentThe overall attitude of investors
Market ShareThe percentage of sales a company has in a market
Market TimingA strategy of trying to predict market movements
Mark to Market (MTM)An accounting method that values assets at their current market price
Market ValueThe current value of an asset
Market Value Added (MVA)The difference between the market value of a company and the capital invested in it
Market Value of EquityThe total value of a company’s outstanding shares
Marketable SecuritiesSecurities that can be easily bought and sold
MarketingThe process of promoting and selling goods or services
Marketing CampaignA coordinated set of marketing activities
Marketing MixThe elements of a marketing strategy
Marketing PlanA document that outlines a company’s marketing strategy
Marketing StrategyA plan for achieving marketing objectives
Markets in Financial Instruments Directive (MiFID)A European Union regulation
MarkupThe difference between the cost of a good or service and its selling price
Married Filing JointlyA tax filing status for married couples
Married Filing SeparatelyA tax filing status for married couples
Married PutAn options strategy
Martial LawThe imposition of military rule
Marxian EconomicsAn economic theory based on the ideas of Karl Marx
MarxismA political and economic ideology based on the ideas of Karl Marx
Mass CustomizationThe process of producing goods or services to meet individual customer needs
Mass ProductionThe process of producing large quantities of standardized goods
Master-Feeder StructureA type of hedge fund structure
Master Limited Partnership (MLP)A type of partnership that is publicly traded
Master of Business Administration (MBA)A graduate degree in business administration
Master of Public Administration (MPA)A graduate degree in public administration
MasterCardA credit card company
Matching OrdersA type of market manipulation
Material Participation TestsTests used to determine whether a taxpayer materially participates in a business
Material Requirements Planning (MRP)A system for planning and managing manufacturing operations
Mature IndustryAn industry that has reached a stage of slow growth
MaturityThe date when a debt instrument becomes due
Maturity DateThe date when a debt instrument becomes due
Max PainThe price at which the most options contracts expire worthless
Maximum Drawdown (MDD)The largest percentage decline from a peak to a trough in an investment’s value
Maximum Foreseeable Loss (MFL)An estimate of the largest potential loss
Maximum Loan AmountThe largest amount of money that can be borrowed
McClellan OscillatorA technical indicator
MCF (Measuring Natural Gas)A unit of measurement for natural gas
McKinsey 7S ModelA strategic management framework
Mean ReversionThe theory that prices tend to revert to their average
Mean-Variance AnalysisA method for constructing efficient portfolios
Medallion Signature GuaranteeA guarantee of a signature
Media KitA collection of information about a company or organization
MedianThe middle value in a set of data
MedicaidA government health insurance program for low-income individuals
Medical Cost Ratio (MCR)A measure of an insurance company’s profitability
Medium of ExchangeAnything that is widely accepted in exchange for goods and services
Medium Term Note (MTN)A debt security with a maturity of one to ten years
Melt UpA rapid increase in asset prices
Memorandum of Understanding (MOU)A non-binding agreement
Mental AccountingThe tendency to treat money differently depending on its source or intended use
Menu CostsThe costs associated with changing prices
MercantilismAn economic theory that emphasizes exports and accumulation of gold
MerchandisingThe process of displaying and promoting goods for sale
Merchant BankA financial institution that provides a range of services to businesses
Merchant Discount RateThe fee charged to merchants for accepting credit cards
MergerThe combination of two or more companies
Merger ArbitrageAn investment strategy that seeks to profit from mergers
Mergers and Acquisitions (M&A)The process of combining or acquiring companies
Merrill LynchA financial services company
Merton ModelA model for assessing credit risk
MetricsMeasures of performance
Metropolitan Statistical Area (MSA)A geographic area with a large population center
Mezzanine DebtDebt that is subordinate to senior debt
Mezzanine FinancingFinancing that combines debt and equity
Michael BloombergFounder of Bloomberg LP
Michael MilkenA former financier
Michigan Consumer Sentiment Index (MCSI)A measure of consumer confidence
Micro CapA company with a very small market capitalization
Micro ManagerA manager who closely monitors employees
Micro-Investing PlatformA platform that allows users to invest small amounts of money
MicrocreditSmall loans to individuals or small businesses
MicroeconomicsThe study of individual economic units
MicrofinanceThe provision of financial services to low-income individuals
MicromarketingMarketing tailored to small groups of customers
Mid-CapA company with a medium market capitalization
Mid-Cap FundA mutual fund that invests in mid-cap stocks
Middle East and North Africa (MENA)A region in the Middle East and North Africa
Middle-Income Countries (MICs)Countries with middle levels of income
Middle Market FirmA company with revenues between $10 million and $1 billion
Middle OfficeThe part of a financial institution that supports the front office
MiddlemanA person who facilitates transactions between buyers and sellers
Midstream Oil OperationsThe transportation and storage of oil and gas
MiFID IIA European Union regulation
Mill LevyA tax rate expressed in mills
Mill RateSame as Mill Levy
Millage RateSame as Mill Levy
MillennialA person born between 1981 and 1996
Milton FriedmanAn American economist
Minimum Efficient Scale (MES)The minimum level of production needed to achieve economies of scale
Minimum Lease PaymentThe minimum payment required under a lease
Minimum Monthly PaymentThe minimum payment required on a debt
Minimum WageThe lowest wage that can legally be paid
MiningThe process of verifying transactions on a blockchain
Minority InterestA less than 50% ownership stake in a company
Minsky MomentA point in a credit cycle when a speculative boom turns into a bust
Misery IndexThe sum of the inflation rate and the unemployment rate
MisrepresentationA false statement of fact
Mission StatementA statement of an organization’s purpose
Mixed Economic SystemAn economic system that combines elements of capitalism and socialism
Mobile BankingBanking transactions conducted on a mobile device
Mobile CommerceCommercial transactions conducted on a mobile device
Mobile WalletA digital wallet on a mobile device
ModeThe most frequent value in a set of data
Model RiskThe risk of losses due to errors in a financial model
Modern Portfolio Theory (MPT)A theory about how to construct efficient portfolios
Modified Accelerated Cost Recovery System (MACRS)A depreciation method used for tax purposes
Modified Accrual AccountingAn accounting method used by governments
Modified Adjusted Gross Income (MAGI)Adjusted gross income with certain modifications
Modified Cash BasisAn accounting method that combines elements of cash and accrual accounting
Modified Endowment ContractA life insurance policy that loses some of its tax advantages
Modified Dietz MethodA method for calculating portfolio returns
Modified DurationA measure of a bond’s interest rate risk
Modified Gross LeaseA lease where the tenant pays some of the operating expenses
Modified Internal Rate of Return (MIRR)A variation of the internal rate of return
Modigliani-Miller Theorem (M&M)A theory about the relationship between capital structure and firm value
Modus OperandiA method of working
Mom-and-PopA small business
MomentumThe speed of price movement
Momentum InvestingAn investment strategy that capitalizes on momentum
MonetarismAn economic theory that emphasizes the role of money supply
MonetaristAn advocate of monetarism
Monetarist TheorySame as Monetarism
Monetary AggregatesMeasures of the money supply
Monetary BaseThe sum of currency in circulation and reserves held by commercial banks
Monetary PolicyActions taken by a central bank to manage the money supply and interest rates
MonetizeTo convert an asset into cash
MoneyAnything that is widely accepted in exchange for goods and services
Money Center BanksLarge banks that deal with other banks and large corporations
Money FactorA measure of the interest rate on a lease
Money FlowThe movement of money into or out of a security or market
Money Flow Index (MFI)A technical indicator
Money IllusionThe tendency to focus on the nominal value of money rather than its real value
Money LaunderingThe process of concealing the source of illegally obtained money
Money ManagementThe process of managing investments
Money ManagerA professional who manages investments
Money MarketThe market for short-term debt securities
Money Market AccountA type of savings account
Money Market FundA mutual fund that invests in money market securities
Money Market YieldThe annualized return on a money market investment
Money OrderA payment instrument
Money Purchase Pension PlanA type of defined contribution plan
Money SupplyThe total amount of money in circulation
Money-Weighted Rate of ReturnA method for calculating investment returns
MonopolistA firm with a monopoly
Monopolistic CompetitionA market structure with many firms selling differentiated products
Monopolistic MarketsMarkets with monopolistic competition
MonopolyA market structure with a single seller
MonopsonyA market structure with a single buyer
Monte Carlo SimulationA statistical method
Month-To-Month TenancyA tenancy that continues from month to month
Monthly Active User (MAU)A measure of user engagement
Moore’s LawThe observation that the number of transistors on a microchip doubles approximately every two years
Moral HazardThe risk that one party will act in a way that harms the other party
Moral SuasionThe use of persuasion by a central bank to influence banks
MoratoriumA temporary suspension of payments
Morbidity RateThe rate of disease or illness
Morning StarA bullish candlestick pattern
Morningstar Inc.A financial services company
Morningstar Risk RatingA measure of risk
Morningstar Sustainability RatingA measure of sustainability
Mortality TableA table showing the probability of death at different ages
MortgageA loan secured by real estate
Mortgage-Backed Security (MBS)A security backed by a pool of mortgages
Mortgage BankerA financial institution that originates and sells mortgages
Mortgage BondA bond secured by a mortgage
Mortgage BrokerA person who connects borrowers with lenders
Mortgage Forbearance AgreementAn agreement that allows a borrower to temporarily suspend or reduce mortgage payments
Mortgage InsuranceInsurance that protects lenders against losses from mortgage defaults
Mortgage OriginatorSame as Mortgage Banker
Mortgage RateThe interest rate on a mortgage
Mortgage Rate Lock Float DownA provision that allows a borrower to lock in a lower interest rate if rates decline
Mortgage RecastA new amortization schedule for a mortgage
Mortgage Servicing Rights (MSR)The right to service a mortgage
MortgageeThe lender in a mortgage
MortgagorThe borrower in a mortgage
Mosaic TheoryAn investment strategy that involves piecing together information from various sources
Most-Favored-Nation ClauseA clause in a trade agreement
MothballingThe process of keeping an asset in reserve
Moving Average (MA)A technical indicator
Moving Average Convergence Divergence (MACD)A technical indicator
MSCI All Country World Index (ACWI)A global stock market index
MSCI Inc.A financial services company
Multi-Asset ClassAn investment strategy that invests in multiple asset classes
Multi-Factor ModelA financial model that uses multiple factors to explain asset prices
MulticollinearityA statistical problem
Multilateral Development Bank (MDB)A financial institution that provides financing to developing countries
Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency (MIGA)An agency of the World Bank Group that provides political risk insurance
Multilateral Trading Facility (MTF)A trading platform
Multilevel MarketingA marketing strategy that involves selling products through a network of distributors
Multinational CorporationA corporation that operates in multiple countries
MultipleA valuation metric
Multiple Employer Welfare Arrangement (MEWA)A type of health insurance plan
Multiple Linear Regression (MLR)A statistical method
Multiple Listing Service (MLS)A service that allows real estate brokers to share listings
Multiples ApproachA valuation method that uses multiples to estimate value
MultiplierA factor that magnifies the impact of a change
Multiplier EffectThe phenomenon where an initial change in spending leads to a larger change in GDP
Mumbai Interbank Offered Rate (MIBOR)A benchmark interest rate in India
Municipal BondA bond issued by a state or local government
Municipal Securities Rulemaking Board (MSRB)A self-regulatory organization for the municipal securities market
MurabahaAn Islamic finance contract
MusharakahAn Islamic finance contract
Mutual CompanyA company owned by its policyholders or members
Mutual FundA type of investment company
Mutual Insurance CompanyAn insurance company owned by its policyholders
Mutually ExclusiveTwo events that cannot occur at the same time